
Hello Scot,

I do appreciate that you have taken time to comment, but it appears from the articles you have on your Substack blog, that you have thoroughly convinced yourself about your own beliefs in the same manner as I have found the Seventh Day Adventists (SDA's).

I make this statement because I doubt you watched either of my two videos, and I doubt you fully read my article before you commented. Is that correct, Scot?

In other words, I would have expected you to 'Comment' on some of the issues I had presented in my article or in my videos; however, (like all SDA's who commented on my videos) they avoided the issues I had raised by posting aspects of their own Post-Tribulation beliefs that have no relation to my videos or what I described.

In the article on your Substack page titled, ‘What about the Rapture?’ you refer to Dr. Andy Woods as if he is the sole individual within the Christian community whose views represent every other Christian who believes in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. From the comments you made about Dr. Woods in your article, I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH WHAT HE SAYS ABOUT THE RAPTURE.

From what I have read of your Substack articles titled, ‘What about the Rapture?’ and ‘A basic guide to the end-times’; I totally DISAGREE with your conclusions.

This is because your understanding of end-times comes from your study of books written by scholars rather than you reading the literal words of scripture (King James Bible) and allowing God to personally teach you the things He wants you to know through study of the scriptures with His guidance (John 6:45 KJV).

If you care to discuss this matter further, I’m happy to do this on the following conditions:

1. You watch my 40-minute video, ‘The Pre-Tribulation Rapture – Fully Explained’ through to the end.

2. You ask me at least 1 question in relation to the video OR make a comment as to what you liked/disliked about it.

3. You then answer me the following questions:

2.a. Genesis 18:24-32 refers to “The Lord” coming to Abraham prior to Him visiting the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. In this dialog, Abraham asks the Lord:

“That be far from thee to do after this manner, TO SLAY THE RIGHTEOUS WITH THE WICKED: and that THE RIGHTEOUS SHOULD BE AS THE WICKED, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? 26 And the Lord said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.” (Genesis 18:25-26)

If we accept that God never tells a lie (Numbers 23:19) AND that He removed Lot and his family prior to sending brimstone and fire upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, we have to believe that the Lord will NOT “...slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be (NOT be treated) as the wicked” still remains in effect today.

QUESTION: Where does it say in the Bible that God (or ‘The Lord’) has since changed this edict above to now mean that He will (in the future Tribulation) impose His 21-Seal, Trumpet and Vial judgments upon ALL people as you so claim—meaning the following groups will have to endure the 7-year Tribulation period:

—The genuine saints within Christianity (Rev 14:12; John 14:15)

—The remainder of the Christian church (i.e. cults, orthodox, protestant, etc.)

—The ruling class of evil men (i.e. politicians, bankers, lawyers, etc.)

—Ordinary (unsaved) men and women who reject Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 5:12-13).


My explanation of who the interpretation of the MYSTERY and the two HE’s is shown below. My question follows.

"THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY mentioned in 2 Thes. 2:6 refers to the Spirit of Lawlessness that is evident throughout the world today - both within and outside the churches.

"HE WHO NOW LETTETH WILL LET mentioned in 2 Thes. 2:7 is the "HE" who refers to the Holy Spirit withholding evil from spreading forth throughout the Earth.

"UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY mentioned in 2 Thes. 2:7 is the "HE" who refers to the spiritual members of the Body of Christ (1 Cor 12) that includes the dead in Christ in the dust of the Earth and "we who are alive and remain".

QUESTION: The phrase “UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY” refers to God’s people on Earth who have established a personal relationship with God as referred to in John 10:27, John 6:45. For those Christians who have NOT established a personal relationship with Jesus— He identifies these individuals in Matthew 7:23 (KJV).

How then do you explain the phrase, “UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY” – if not in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture?

If you can give me answers to the above questions, I am happy to discuss this matter further with you, Scot.

Blessings, Alan

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Sorry. I can't go with a pre-trib rapture: it's just not anywhere in Scripture, and the ONLY direct references to our rapture are explicitly after Tribulation.

The Abomination of Desolation is clearly the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa mosque. It's the only event that actually fits Daniel's time-frame as required by Jesus, AND it starts the desolation, which is the fulfillment of Revelation 12, where Israel flees the land and leaves the mount desolate. The persecution by Islam is so great and expansive, nothing has equaled it as Jesus said.

A few years ago I started writing this in more detail once I realised that this was known at the time that it was the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy, but that the pre-trib theorists have rejected. I've started transfering this to a substack, if you're interested. https://eotwawki.substack.com/p/home

I grew up learning about the pre-trib rapture, but I cannot find it anywhere in the Bible.

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