Hello everyone,
The video below demonstrates (from the EVIDENCE I present) that most Christians today are "NOT SAVED".
In two of the examples I present, a summary is shown of the statistics obtained from TWO advertising campaigns I promoted during 2020 and 2024. The results of these promotions prove that MOST Christians today are “LUKEWARM” when it comes to doctrine.
"For the time [in these 'Last Days'] will come WHEN THEY [the Christians in the churches] WILL NOT ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE..." (2 Timothy 4:3)
In another example, I present a Comment that was posted on one of my website articles - and how this man’s belief system is based on a LIE from one of Satan’s modern preachers. This example proves that Christians like him are unable to discern between'Truth' and 'Lies'.
In the two videos I produced, I demonstrate the EXREMELY POOR Retention Rate (RR) of Christians who viewed these videos – this 'RR' being just 4½ minutes. How can anyone teach someone else a doctrine in just 4½ minutes?
A key feature of all this is that Christians today are NOT Bible-based. Instead, they are church-based. I have discovered they refuse to indicate a "YES - meaning, I totally agree with you brother" to indicate they are "HOT" with the Bible verses presented. Neither do they say "NO - I disagree with you brother - and here are my Bible verses that prove it". Instead, Christians prefer to remain SILENT towards what has been presented.
The statistics presented demonstrate that every Christian's "INDIFFERENCE" towards what the Bible says - indicates their "LUKEWARMNESS" towards Jesus Christ and especially towards their Salvation:
"So then because thou art LUKEWARM, and NEITHER COLD NOR HOT, I will spue [or vomit] thee [or thy name] OUT OF MY MOUTH" [Jesus speaking - Revelation 3:16)
Please DON'T move on after reading this introductory note. Jesus assigns such behaviour as being being "LUKEWARM'! Such behaviour indicates to Him that you hate scripture and therefore God Himself (Psalm 138:2). This is Satan’s plan for your life (1 Peter 5:8-9)!
Every Christian needs to watch this 42 minute video through to the end and then write a comment indicating whether they AGREE or DISAGREE with what has been presented. Both God and Jesus Christ will honour you for doing this.
Blessings to you all.