This message demonstrates that EVERY CHRISTIAN has to pass through most of these eight stages to not only produce the required "FRUIT" unto God, but to gain eternal life with Christ.
Satanic world destroying murderous freaks are always in this world causing trouble.
We are not only here to create a beautiful life through faith, we have a duty to expose darkness! (Eph. 5:11). Stand up to it, call it out, identify, resist, push back against and rebuke evil!
You and your religious, churched and non churched, heartless, soulless, compassionless, losers sit idly in the stands watching evil destroy everything of God’s ‘good creation’ around you and you do absolutely nothing about it, not one thing, except prattle on with your self glorifying pronouncements about correct salvation, pathetic and bizarre interpretations of extremely dubious rapture doctrines, and acutely legalist ‘final’ salvation, etc.
If satanic jackals are murdering our children, destroying our economy and future, we ought to meet them head on, and if necessary kill them!
They are demon scum from the pits of hell, “broods of vipers” as scripture reveals.
Better to step up to the plate and swing the bat and PRACTICALLY confront the evil, not fake it with religion, and/or the “right” (churchless) form of christianity, than to do nothing.
If there is accountability after the fact, that will be the standard. My view.
We read where Jesus told his disciples, whilst sitting on the Mount of Olives:
"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming ‘I am the Christ’; and deceiving many.” Also: “Many will to say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name? And in thy name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?” But his response was, "I never knew you, depart from me, you evildoers!"
I am not comfortable being part of the jew-r.c controlled christian fatalism, and 2000 year old sermons preached by cowards of the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2 & 3), who still to this day continue to not mobilize the church and believers to get organized and DO something.
It's time to DO something.
Sidelined, unheard of (unknown), religious (and professing Christians) fanatics talking, blogging, etc, going on about 'end times' and true, final salvation need not apply.
It is obvious you have had a 'religious' background and that you have walked away from it some time ago. I did that many years ago also - however unlike you, I did not throw the baby out with the bathwater as you have appeared to have done.
Where you say, "... am not comfortable being part of the jew-r.c controlled christian fatalism...It's time to DO something"—in response, I say this.
The Bible says that Christians are wasting their time fighting against "flesh and blood" - meaning, other humans who are too strong physically and well armed as well—for Christians to oppose them as you suggest. In this, the Bible says:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
On the contrary, God says that if His people (Jew or Gentile Christian) abandon the Bible and seek to take up arms instead, this attracts a curse from God, as plainly stated below:
"Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh [meaning, an army of people] his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5)
My purpose with all of my writings is to try to bring together the spiritual "Body of Christ" (1 Cor 12) together as individual members joined together in love—hopefully to "destroy the works of the Devil" using the POWER OF GOD to do so:
"For the kingdom of God is not in [the] word [being preached in pulpits], but in [the demonstration of the] POWER." (1 Corinthians 4:20)
The problem is that Satan's people in the pulpits have corrupted the True Gospel message (i.e. Paul's Gospel) into many false 'gospels' that have replaced "WORKS" (that destroy Satan's power in this world). They have replaced FAITH in God's word with the easy-believism (false) gospel of 'God loves you'.
I have found it is almost impossible to awaken Christians today to the fact that they have been "ensnared" by some of Satan's "devices" (2 Cor. 2:11) that have been designed by Satan over many millennia to rob God's people of their Salvation. Until an 'awakening' (if it ever happens), occurs, the problems you wrote about will continue and get worse.
This is because we are living in the days where Christians do NOT HAVE "...the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thes. 2:10) and for this cause, God has given many of these a "...strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (2 Thes. 2:11). Christians in this situation will be held responsible by God for allowing the evil that is in the world today to continue.
So although the problems you mentioned should be addressed, they represent the superficial WOUND that is clearly visible, rather than the underlying (or unseen) CAUSE—which is the failure of the church to serve both Christ and God IN FAITH!
I hope this explanation helps you in some way.
Thanks so much for your comment—and blessings. Alan
Yes, absolutelly shameless, many believers dishonor themselves and God, spit in His face! by not living out the good news, saving gift of Christ's resurrection power in our lives that brings to naught self, sin, satan, death, the devil, his ruling word system (power of death that everyone who is not genuinely saved is beholden to all their lives).
Many believers who are not genuinely saved are still sin-bound-saturated, defeated, impotent, cowardly, indifferent, lukewarm, ineffectual.
Living defeated hopeless lives instead of hope-love-peace filled victorious in Christ resurrection lives.
Most are hiding behind their bibles (and pulpits), live not very much (if at all) "crucified with Christ" lives. And who mostly "deny the power of Christ" in the here and now. Paralyzed, indifferent, lukewarm, and resigned to the absolutely evil world, ‘how things are’, openly, shamelessly, displaying a Godless attitude of pessimistic withdrawal / pietism (some due to age or infirmity), they are clearly not effectively using, by living their lives through, the divine gift of Christ’s world overturning resurrection power. And which DOES CHANGE the world. Many demonic godless things, in the here and now. Such as exposing satans' extremist lifiestyles, queer theory, lbtqui in the public space, in paritcular exposinga and pushing back, opposing, the promotion and dissemination of this through the public school system, curriculams.
Absolutely fearful of their lives been completely CHANGED, turned upside down, of having to live out the World Transforming Good News and / or ignorant of the world invasive power of God’s righteousness, world-reality made manifest from the moment of Christ’s resurrection as revealed by the ministry, teaching and writings of Paul, many a believer thus will always be in some way trying to seek to establish their own righteousness. And travel far and wide to do so! Very often too! It's their "mission", version of 'evangelism' which is nothing but self righteousness, self glory, false gospelism of satan.
The evident escapist, comfort loving bubble-bible world of a many of those who self identify as Christian is one of insuralism, self satisfaction, gnostic like resignation, withdrawal, of powerlessness, uselessness for the kingdom of God, who has put us (some of us) right as part and parcel of His "putting-the-world right project"
(see the voluminous works of Professor N.T Wright, prolific and popular pre-eminent biblical historian/theologian).
"I have often summarized the doctrine of justification by saying that God intends to put the whole world right in the end, and having launched that project in Jesus, he puts people right in the present so that they can be models and agents of his putting-right project for the world. You could equally say that God intends to renew the whole creation and fill it with his loving presence, and that having launched that project in Jesus he fills people with his spirit in the present, NOT so that they can escape the world but so that they can be models and agents of God’s plan for all creation.”
― N.T. Wright, Interpreting Scripture: Essays on the Bible and Hermeneutics.
The crystal clear monumental failure, paralysis, indifference, and hypocrisy, of a great many (if not most) self identified Christians to not LIVE OUT, ACTION the Good News, 'walk the walk', "be models and agents of God’s putting-right project for the world/plan for all creation” (which unbelievers well know about and reminds us), this was well depicted in the religious semi-fictional book: "In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?" (1896, yes not a typo), by Pastor Charles Monroe Sheldon, who began writing his book on the basis of his Sunday night’s church sermon story that he read as a weekly series from the pulpit of Central Congregational Church (U.S). The unifying theme of these sermons was based on asking oneself the question "What would Jesus do?" when facing moral decisions, choices in relation to encountering circumstances of poverty and deprivation as depicted in the lives of various characters in his later developed book. He viewed this question as central to Christianity.
The 2013 movie, “In His Steps” was based on this book.
"....the posture of the Christian is inherently and consistently radical. The Christian is perpetually in the position of complaining about the status quo, whatever it happens to be. His insight and experience of reconciliation in Christ are such that no estate in secular society can possibly correspond to, or much approximate, the true society of which he is a citizen in Christ. He is-everywhere, in every society-an alien. He is always, in any society, in protest. Even when a cause which he has himself supported prevails, he will not be content but will be the first to complain against the "new" status quo….
A Christian is not distinguished by his political views, or moral decisions, or habitual conduct, or personal piety, or, least of all, by his churchly activities. A Christian is distinguished by his radical esteem for the Incarnation--to use the traditional jargon--by his reverence for the life of God in the whole of Creation, even and, in a sense, especially, Creation in the travail of sin....The Christian is always, everywhere, in revolt -- not for himself or herself but for humanity....
The Christian as revolutionary is constantly welcoming the gift of human life, for himself and for all others, BY exposing, opposing, and overturning all that betrays, entraps, or attempts to kill human life....those who do not resist the rulers of the present darkness are consigned to a moral death, the death of their humanness.
That, of all the ways of dying, is the most ignominious....indifference is more embittering than open hostility."
William Stringfellow 1928-1985
Public Lawyer-Advocate of the negro poor, outcasted, dissidents, and peace activists during the 1960’s.
(wracked with serious health issues, chronic pain late 1960s - 1985).
I presented my claims about the Eight Stages of Biblical Salvation to which you offered NOT ONE COMMENT in response. Instead, you presented a great deal of diatribe related to theologians and their views about saving Creation and humanity that totally miss the mark as to what my article presented.
Unless you are interested in making a comment that relates to comments in my article(s), I don't intend to address your comments - as they represent a 'religious set of beliefs' that I do not associate with.
Satanic world destroying murderous freaks are always in this world causing trouble.
We are not only here to create a beautiful life through faith, we have a duty to expose darkness! (Eph. 5:11). Stand up to it, call it out, identify, resist, push back against and rebuke evil!
You and your religious, churched and non churched, heartless, soulless, compassionless, losers sit idly in the stands watching evil destroy everything of God’s ‘good creation’ around you and you do absolutely nothing about it, not one thing, except prattle on with your self glorifying pronouncements about correct salvation, pathetic and bizarre interpretations of extremely dubious rapture doctrines, and acutely legalist ‘final’ salvation, etc.
If satanic jackals are murdering our children, destroying our economy and future, we ought to meet them head on, and if necessary kill them!
They are demon scum from the pits of hell, “broods of vipers” as scripture reveals.
Better to step up to the plate and swing the bat and PRACTICALLY confront the evil, not fake it with religion, and/or the “right” (churchless) form of christianity, than to do nothing.
If there is accountability after the fact, that will be the standard. My view.
We read where Jesus told his disciples, whilst sitting on the Mount of Olives:
"Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming ‘I am the Christ’; and deceiving many.” Also: “Many will to say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in thy name? And in thy name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?” But his response was, "I never knew you, depart from me, you evildoers!"
I am not comfortable being part of the jew-r.c controlled christian fatalism, and 2000 year old sermons preached by cowards of the synagogue of satan (Rev. 2 & 3), who still to this day continue to not mobilize the church and believers to get organized and DO something.
It's time to DO something.
Sidelined, unheard of (unknown), religious (and professing Christians) fanatics talking, blogging, etc, going on about 'end times' and true, final salvation need not apply.
Free: Getting To Heaven→
Hello Zahra - sorry for the delay in responding.
It is obvious you have had a 'religious' background and that you have walked away from it some time ago. I did that many years ago also - however unlike you, I did not throw the baby out with the bathwater as you have appeared to have done.
Where you say, "... am not comfortable being part of the jew-r.c controlled christian fatalism...It's time to DO something"—in response, I say this.
The Bible says that Christians are wasting their time fighting against "flesh and blood" - meaning, other humans who are too strong physically and well armed as well—for Christians to oppose them as you suggest. In this, the Bible says:
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)
On the contrary, God says that if His people (Jew or Gentile Christian) abandon the Bible and seek to take up arms instead, this attracts a curse from God, as plainly stated below:
"Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh [meaning, an army of people] his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:5)
My purpose with all of my writings is to try to bring together the spiritual "Body of Christ" (1 Cor 12) together as individual members joined together in love—hopefully to "destroy the works of the Devil" using the POWER OF GOD to do so:
"For the kingdom of God is not in [the] word [being preached in pulpits], but in [the demonstration of the] POWER." (1 Corinthians 4:20)
The problem is that Satan's people in the pulpits have corrupted the True Gospel message (i.e. Paul's Gospel) into many false 'gospels' that have replaced "WORKS" (that destroy Satan's power in this world). They have replaced FAITH in God's word with the easy-believism (false) gospel of 'God loves you'.
I have found it is almost impossible to awaken Christians today to the fact that they have been "ensnared" by some of Satan's "devices" (2 Cor. 2:11) that have been designed by Satan over many millennia to rob God's people of their Salvation. Until an 'awakening' (if it ever happens), occurs, the problems you wrote about will continue and get worse.
This is because we are living in the days where Christians do NOT HAVE "...the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thes. 2:10) and for this cause, God has given many of these a "...strong delusion, that they should believe a lie" (2 Thes. 2:11). Christians in this situation will be held responsible by God for allowing the evil that is in the world today to continue.
So although the problems you mentioned should be addressed, they represent the superficial WOUND that is clearly visible, rather than the underlying (or unseen) CAUSE—which is the failure of the church to serve both Christ and God IN FAITH!
I hope this explanation helps you in some way.
Thanks so much for your comment—and blessings. Alan
Yes, absolutelly shameless, many believers dishonor themselves and God, spit in His face! by not living out the good news, saving gift of Christ's resurrection power in our lives that brings to naught self, sin, satan, death, the devil, his ruling word system (power of death that everyone who is not genuinely saved is beholden to all their lives).
Many believers who are not genuinely saved are still sin-bound-saturated, defeated, impotent, cowardly, indifferent, lukewarm, ineffectual.
Living defeated hopeless lives instead of hope-love-peace filled victorious in Christ resurrection lives.
Most are hiding behind their bibles (and pulpits), live not very much (if at all) "crucified with Christ" lives. And who mostly "deny the power of Christ" in the here and now. Paralyzed, indifferent, lukewarm, and resigned to the absolutely evil world, ‘how things are’, openly, shamelessly, displaying a Godless attitude of pessimistic withdrawal / pietism (some due to age or infirmity), they are clearly not effectively using, by living their lives through, the divine gift of Christ’s world overturning resurrection power. And which DOES CHANGE the world. Many demonic godless things, in the here and now. Such as exposing satans' extremist lifiestyles, queer theory, lbtqui in the public space, in paritcular exposinga and pushing back, opposing, the promotion and dissemination of this through the public school system, curriculams.
Absolutely fearful of their lives been completely CHANGED, turned upside down, of having to live out the World Transforming Good News and / or ignorant of the world invasive power of God’s righteousness, world-reality made manifest from the moment of Christ’s resurrection as revealed by the ministry, teaching and writings of Paul, many a believer thus will always be in some way trying to seek to establish their own righteousness. And travel far and wide to do so! Very often too! It's their "mission", version of 'evangelism' which is nothing but self righteousness, self glory, false gospelism of satan.
The evident escapist, comfort loving bubble-bible world of a many of those who self identify as Christian is one of insuralism, self satisfaction, gnostic like resignation, withdrawal, of powerlessness, uselessness for the kingdom of God, who has put us (some of us) right as part and parcel of His "putting-the-world right project"
(see the voluminous works of Professor N.T Wright, prolific and popular pre-eminent biblical historian/theologian).
"I have often summarized the doctrine of justification by saying that God intends to put the whole world right in the end, and having launched that project in Jesus, he puts people right in the present so that they can be models and agents of his putting-right project for the world. You could equally say that God intends to renew the whole creation and fill it with his loving presence, and that having launched that project in Jesus he fills people with his spirit in the present, NOT so that they can escape the world but so that they can be models and agents of God’s plan for all creation.”
― N.T. Wright, Interpreting Scripture: Essays on the Bible and Hermeneutics.
The crystal clear monumental failure, paralysis, indifference, and hypocrisy, of a great many (if not most) self identified Christians to not LIVE OUT, ACTION the Good News, 'walk the walk', "be models and agents of God’s putting-right project for the world/plan for all creation” (which unbelievers well know about and reminds us), this was well depicted in the religious semi-fictional book: "In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do?" (1896, yes not a typo), by Pastor Charles Monroe Sheldon, who began writing his book on the basis of his Sunday night’s church sermon story that he read as a weekly series from the pulpit of Central Congregational Church (U.S). The unifying theme of these sermons was based on asking oneself the question "What would Jesus do?" when facing moral decisions, choices in relation to encountering circumstances of poverty and deprivation as depicted in the lives of various characters in his later developed book. He viewed this question as central to Christianity.
The 2013 movie, “In His Steps” was based on this book.
"....the posture of the Christian is inherently and consistently radical. The Christian is perpetually in the position of complaining about the status quo, whatever it happens to be. His insight and experience of reconciliation in Christ are such that no estate in secular society can possibly correspond to, or much approximate, the true society of which he is a citizen in Christ. He is-everywhere, in every society-an alien. He is always, in any society, in protest. Even when a cause which he has himself supported prevails, he will not be content but will be the first to complain against the "new" status quo….
A Christian is not distinguished by his political views, or moral decisions, or habitual conduct, or personal piety, or, least of all, by his churchly activities. A Christian is distinguished by his radical esteem for the Incarnation--to use the traditional jargon--by his reverence for the life of God in the whole of Creation, even and, in a sense, especially, Creation in the travail of sin....The Christian is always, everywhere, in revolt -- not for himself or herself but for humanity....
The Christian as revolutionary is constantly welcoming the gift of human life, for himself and for all others, BY exposing, opposing, and overturning all that betrays, entraps, or attempts to kill human life....those who do not resist the rulers of the present darkness are consigned to a moral death, the death of their humanness.
That, of all the ways of dying, is the most ignominious....indifference is more embittering than open hostility."
William Stringfellow 1928-1985
Public Lawyer-Advocate of the negro poor, outcasted, dissidents, and peace activists during the 1960’s.
(wracked with serious health issues, chronic pain late 1960s - 1985).
Thank you.
To Zahra,
I presented my claims about the Eight Stages of Biblical Salvation to which you offered NOT ONE COMMENT in response. Instead, you presented a great deal of diatribe related to theologians and their views about saving Creation and humanity that totally miss the mark as to what my article presented.
Unless you are interested in making a comment that relates to comments in my article(s), I don't intend to address your comments - as they represent a 'religious set of beliefs' that I do not associate with.